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Thumper, my Bubba

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Lil & Ron's Mum
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Thumper, my Bubba / One year on :( (Long post, sorry guys!)

Post by Thumper2001 Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:38 pm

Nothing I can write here can do justice to explain how much I love you, how much I miss you and how much I am hurting right now. I can’t believe I am writing your Rainbow Bridge tribute, it feels so final, but I have to do it, for you.

Fate brought you into my life 10 years and seven months ago. I shudder when I think what might have come of you if you hadn’t been found in that field that night. You were so small and so scared. Who knows how long you had been out there for. All these years I’ve wondered where you came from, but all I want to know now is, where have you gone?

You didn’t live with me in the beginning, but I always knew I was going to make you mine. We were destined to be together, you and me.

I can’t believe you are gone Bubba. Of course, we knew about your tumour and we could see it was getting bigger, but the vet said you had a few months left, and then you were gone just 4 days later. The end was all so sudden. You died in my arms/on my knee, on the way to the vet on Saturday December 10th at approx 14:30. I hope you felt safe, and that you knew how much we loved you. I am sorry that I never thought to take your blankie with us, but we left in such a rush. A selfish part of me is glad, because I want to keep it, it was such a big part of you, you had it forever! But you were not left alone, I left you at the vet with your big green towel, so you will always be warm and comfortable. It was so hard to leave you there, but I hope to have you home for Christmas.

You did exactly what I asked of you, I BEGGED you not to let go until we moved out of the flat and into a new home. I so feared you dying in the flat because I’d have felt like I was leaving you behind if we’d moved afterwards. I wanted memories of you in our forever home. Thank you Bubba, for giving them to me.

You took my request quite literally and you left us 6 months to the day we moved in.

People keep saying to me “she was old” “she had a great life” “nobody could have loved her more than you” “nobody could have gave her a better life than you” but I never felt like I could do enough for you, I didn’t feel like anything was good enough for my Bubba. I would have wrapped you in cotton wool if I could, to protect you from the world.

Whenever I was in a bad mood or just having a bad day, Mark would point you in my direction and I would instantly feel better. You brightened up my life and now I am in such a dark place without you.

Since we moved into the new house, I slept with you in your room on a Friday night so Mark wouldn’t wake me early in the morning. How can I sleep in there now without you?

I’ve never been big on Christmas, but every Christmas night before bed, you and me would make a pact, one more Christmas together. I didn’t ask you to make that pact last year because I didn’t know if you would make it and I didn’t want you to feel like you were letting me down. But now, all I can think is, if we’d made that pact, would you still be here? But I know you would be if you could be.

I’m home alone today without you, for the first time. The house feels so empty without you. I’ve just spent hours looking at all your pictures, some of them made me smile, most of them made me cry. I’m so glad that you spent half your life with a camera or a phone poked in your face, because the pictures and the videos are all I have left of you now.

Over the next few days, I’m going to clear some of your stuff away. Please don’t think that I’m doing it because I don’t want your things around or it’s because I don’t love you anymore, I have to do it, because looking at it all is killing me. Seeing your cage every day, filled with your things but not you is breaking my heart even more than it is broken already, if that is possible.

Already my life has changed so much, I don’t like it one little bit. Your needs were always my number one priority, and now you’re gone, I’m lost.
I can’t believe I’ll never hear you grunt with excitement again, or that our nightly cuddles on the sofa are no more.

So many people have cried for you Bubba, but nobody more than me, I miss you so much it hurts.

But you will live on through me and through HH. I still have hundreds of your pictures, videos and stories to share. I just hope, in time, that I can do it. Right now it hurts too much but I will try my best because it’s the very least you deserve. But if I can’t do it, please forgive me, it’s only because I love you so much.

Thank you Thumper, my Bubba, for the amazing 10 years and 7 months we had together. You have made such an impact on my life, my little mange tout addict. I am honoured to have been able to call myself your bunny-mummy. You were one in a million; there will never be another like you.

Sleep well my beautiful baby girl, we will love you and miss you forever.

Love from your Mummy

Thumper, my Bubba 106-1
Thumper, my Bubba 095-1
Thumper, my Bubba DSCF0247
Thumper, my Bubba DSCF1101
Thumper, my Bubba DSC00113
Thumper, my Bubba DSC00362
Thumper, my Bubba 05122010125
Thumper, my Bubba DSC05479
Thumper, my Bubba 27032011707-1
Thumper, my Bubba DSC04920
Thumper, my Bubba DSC05253
Thumper, my Bubba DSC03889
Thumper, my Bubba Dsc01135
Thumper, my Bubba IMG_0224
Thumper, my Bubba IMG_0824
Thumper, my Bubba IMG_0589

Last edited by Thumper2001 on Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:07 pm; edited 9 times in total

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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by icedancer Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:01 pm

Crying or Very sad I am crying so much for you right now

Hugs she was a very special girl
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by Tuckerbunnies Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:32 pm

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

I can only read half as I can't see to read the rest for crying, but I've looked at the photos and she was just such a little star and it just won't be the same without her here. It doesn't matter if a bunny is 7 months old or 10 years of age there is never a right time for them to leave us.

I just love the way she crosses her front paws a true sign how comfortable she was with her world

Thumper sweetheart I will never forget you

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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by Sparky Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:12 pm

Fabulous pictures and a worthy tribute Hugs

She looks so happy and content in every pic Love

Binky free sweetheart. Never to be forgotten.
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by Lil & Ron's Mum Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:30 pm

What a special girl.
I've not cried as much as this since losing my last bun.
She was a smasher.
She's left a void. X Hugs

Lil & Ron's Mum
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by KatieB Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:17 pm

Goodness me I'm in bits.

You were a special girl Thumper, and you touched everyone here. We will miss you too. x x x x x x x x x x x

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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by lizzi_b Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:56 pm

I can't stop the tears streaming down my face! What a beautiful tribute! I just can't believe there are photos and stories you haven't told us!!

Enjoy the bridge thumper! I'm sure you will be giving them all lesson in being a lady! The last picture sums her up perfect! Hugs
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by FarplaceRescue Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:01 pm

What a lovely girl she was. Binky free little one xxxxx
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by woodwench Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:19 pm

Oh Thumper!
That last photo says it all.. what a character! I don't think I've ever seen a pic of a bun with paws crossed... a great matriach doe!

Gonna miss, Miss, MISS you little girl XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by NickieM Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:34 pm

A beautiful heartfelt tribute to a very special girl.

I am so sorry your heart is breaking. I wish I could take some of the pain away for you. It doesn't matter how old she was or how ill she was, she was your friend and you didn't want her to go whatever.

I think that fact that it all happened so fast after you were given the estimate of a few months was a body blow for you. I'm sure you feel cheated as I would too.

We are all here to help you get through this and we are all hurting too, but not to the extent obviously, that you do. Hugs Hugs Hugs

Whenever I see mange tout, I think of her and I hope there are meadows of the stuff at the Bridge.

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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by Velvet.Tears Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:20 am

What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl Love Binky free Thumper xxxx (I have sent u a pm hun)
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by Yodaphine Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:55 pm

Thumper you will always be our Hopstar! You were a very special bun, who will be very sadly missed, binky free beautiful xxxx

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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by Josie Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:11 pm

I'm now sat here sobbing Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

What a perfect tribute to Thumper Love

Your words, thoughts & emotions just perfectly sum up how much the little girl meant to you.....and all of us Love

I am still struggling to believe OUR Thumper is no longer here Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

My thoughts & prayers are with you at such a very difficult time Hugs Hugs
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by Josephine Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:37 am

What a gorgeous special girl. Sleep tight Thumper. x
Sending you lots of Hugs
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by jolovesbunnies Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:44 pm

I am so very sorry love. RIP Little one.


JO xx

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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by Thumper2001 Sun Dec 25, 2011 9:55 am

Merry Christmas sweetheart x x x x x x x x x

It's not the same here without you Crying or Very sad

This was you about this time last year.

Refusing to open your presents!
Thumper, my Bubba 25122010219

Checking out your new bed after I opened it
Thumper, my Bubba 25122010223

I think you decided you liked it!
Thumper, my Bubba 25122010226

Breakfast in bed!
Thumper, my Bubba 25122010225

I remember last year my dad picked me up from MIL's and we popped in by our flat for their presents, we packed up the car and I said 'oh, I've forgotten something' I ran back inside, wrapped you in a towel to keep you warm, and off we went!! Dad said to me 'Do you really think I didn't know what you had gone back for?' Haha!

After we got there, you decided the best place to lie would be right in front of the living room door! Dad wanted out, he pointed at you and said 'good one!' and was about to move you. Me: 'noooooooo!!! I'll move her!' Haha!

I love you loads Bubba and I miss you so so much. Today is going to be so hard without you, it already is Sad I'm so used to you running away with bits of wrapping paper in your mouth, refusing to open your presents and generally being ace!!!

I hope you aren't missing us too much.

We love you and miss you Bubba, love from Mummy x x x x x x x x x

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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by Sparky Sun Dec 25, 2011 10:13 am

Merry Christmas Thumper, I hope you are being spoiled rotten at the bridge and getting ready for a huge Christmas party.

Hugs for your Mummy Hugs
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by Dotdot Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:14 pm

I'm so sorry you lost your gorgeous Thumper. I know I shouldn't have favourites, but she was one of them. Little miss Prim and Proper and a true mange tout addict!!

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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by Thumper2001 Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:31 pm

Happy new year Bubba.

I am so sad that you never saw 2012. It would have made us so happy if you had.

Even after we moved out of Nanny's and into the flat, you spent most Hogmanay nights at Nanny's, for your own safety and sanity. The flat was always too rowdy for you, but after the bells, we would always walk over to see you, to say happy new year to you. (And them of course.)

I'm sure it was strange for them, you not being there last night and this morning.

New years day morning was always me nagging Mark. 'Can we go get her now?' 'How about now?' 'Are you nearly ready yet, we need to go and get Thumper!'

It was always a day where we three did absolutely nothing! I remember last year, you lying in your cage snoozing and I was on the sofa reading a book. You could have came out but you enjoyed your lazy days too!

I sat in your room last night, you were the first person that I wished a happy new year. I wish I could have done it for real, rather than talking to your picture and your empty cage.

I miss you so much baby girl and starting a brand new year without you is upsetting me so much.

I will love you forever and will think of you always.

Mummy x x x x x x

Thumper, my Bubba Cec133bc

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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by KatieB Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:59 pm

shed a tear for you today Thumper x x x x x x x x x
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by Tuckerbunnies Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:12 pm

I'm sat here in tears reading this for Thumper , I tried to do one for Pud but I just couldn't for crying.

Thumper you are so very much missed by us all Crying or Very sad

and for you Thumpers Mummy Hugs Hugs

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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by woodwench Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:34 pm

Another year.... and you're not forgotten Thumper!

Hugs to Thumpers Folks!
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by fall3n-ang3l Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:16 pm

its took me a few days to read this,tears streaming down my face,i had a massive soft spot for you Thumper,iam glad your mummy has took milions of pictures of you becouse I for one will never get tired of looking at your pics or hearing the stories

binky free Thumper

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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by gentl Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:37 pm

Hugs Bless your heart! What a lovely tribute you wrote for her. I cannot stop crying myself. She was a special girl.

I too like the picture where her front paws are crossed. Looks to me like she is praying.
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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

Post by JoeyBunsMum Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:02 pm

I can't say anymore than beautiful tribute. Hugs

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Thumper, my Bubba Empty Re: Thumper, my Bubba

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